Ice Slicer Blog

News & Articles

How Closed Roads Affect the Economy

Date February 28, 2023 | Brooke Loeffler

A look at the economic and safety benefits of keeping roads open during the winter..

Do Deicers Damage Concrete?

Date February 6, 2023 | Brooke Loeffler

A little science lesson on how ice melt interacts with concrete..

Deicer Application Rates

Date January 31, 2023 | Brooke Loeffler

It’s not easy to weigh all of the dynamic factors of the road to determine how much deicer to use, so let’s go over some basic guidelines...

How do Snow Fences Work?

Date January 23, 2023 | Brooke Loeffler

How to prevent snow drifts from forming on roadways..

How to Use Ice Melt Responsibly

Date January 10, 2023 | Brooke Loeffler

A look into how and when to use ice melt around your home..

The Chemistry of Deicing: How Does Ice Melt Work?

Date December 20, 2022 | Brooke Loeffler

A look into the chemistry behind deicing materials...

Ice Slicer® Is A Redmond Product

Date December 2, 2022 | Brooke Loeffler

Ice Slicer is a Redmond Product..

Chloride Spotlight: What is Magnesium Chloride?

Date November 22, 2022 | Brooke Loeffler

What is magnesium chloride, what is it used for, and how does it work?..

Winter Tires vs. All Season Tires

Date October 31, 2022 | Brooke Loeffler

A look into the difference tire choices for winter and how to care for tires during the off season..

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